Friday, April 23, 2010


This award was given to me by "A Marine's Wife" at Flip Flops and Combat Boots.
THANKS SO MUCH for including me in your circle of friends!

:)  I know I have not been a very 'friendly' blogger over the past week or so, but I promise to get over my grumpies and get back to my usual POSITIVE self sometime very very soon.

The rules of the award are:

1) Post it on your page

2) List five things you looooove to do

3) Pick five friendly bloggers and pass it on!
SO, here are my five things:
1) I la-la-la-love kissing my husband.  When we first met, my friend wanted to fix us up,and I told her that I could not even PICTURE kissing him.  When I finally DID kiss him for the first time (more than two years later) I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him - and his kisses still hold that magic 13 years after that amazing first kiss.
2) I love to bake, especially for other people - and my brownies have started at least a COUPLE of brawls :)
3) I love reading, especially now that I have my Kindle (my birthday present from hubby last year). I read at the doctor's office, or even in a long line at Costco, since I ALWAYS have my entire library right there in my purse.
4) I love my GADGETS - I am not as much of a techie as I pretend to be, but I can't live without my electronic 'toys', including the Kindle I mentioned above.  And I am keeping my fingers crossed that hubby thinks I was REALLY good this year, and will give me a new iPad for my birthday next week!
5) I love BLOGGING.  I find that I am more motivated to write regularly here than I would in a private journal, since others read it and give me such supportive feedback.  And I feel so 'connected' to the bloggy friends who I follow, especially the other milspouses, even though I have never even MET most of you.  This has quickly become an amazing support network for me, just when I need it most.
And now I am passing this Circle of Friends award on to:
Laura at Diamonds and Dog Tags
Amber at Willis, Party of 6
Julie at Julie The Army Wife
Sara at When In Rome

Jessica at Learning As We Go

Thanks so much ladies, for all being such an important part of the blogosphere! (or at least my own little corner of it)

Please take a moment to check out these friendly blogs, and if you love them, FOLLOW them!  You can also check out my own 'pregnancy blog' at Does this baby make me look fat?


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