Sunday, November 7, 2010

long list

My list of things to complete BEFORE hubby's return is just getting longer, not shorter.  Meanwhile, the days I'm pretending not to count are getting shorter, and there are so few of them left!  I feel like I will never get everything done.

Who am I kidding?  I feel like I will never get ANYTHING done!

I'm sure the last few days before homecoming I will be rushing around in an all-out manic episode trying to do too much in too little time, but in the meantime, I feel like I am spinning my wheels.

Lists normally help me feel more productive, because I can check off whatever I actually FINISH.

But these days, It seems I never really FINISH anything, so nothing gets checked off, and then I keep finding more things to add to the list!  At this point, I think I have to take "redecorate bedroom" completely off of the list, because there simply isn't time.  Or money, for that matter, though it was supposed to be a very inexpensive project.  Paint, curtains, and a couple of bathroom rugs.  *sigh* Oh well, some other time.

The one thing I absolutely MUST do before he comes home, is dig out the mess I've made in his man-cave/office.  I have stacked so much JUNK in there in the past 6 months, it is literally hard to even walk through the room.  OOPS.  And now, the day of reckoning looms....if I hurry, and bust my butt, I can at least get that ONE room ship-shape before my hubby comes back and is traumatised for life by the sight of his 'office' in such disarray.

Oh, and of course I had planned to lose a lot of weight before his return...I am thinking that's just not going to happen in the very few weeks we have left.


As panicked as I feel the closer we get to that day, I really am just getting SO EXCITED that this deployment is nearly over!



Anonymous said...

Looks like we are on almost the same schedule for homecoming - I am at 87 done /13% to go. And looks like we are on the same schedule with weight loss, LOL, although you have a much better reason!

I feel your excitement, and your nerves, and the whole package. Hugs to you.

erika said...

Yea! The biggest relief in the world.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you well on getting things done before his return! Adding one more on your to-do list...Just wanted to make sure you saw that we (Verseo) featured your blog in our Military Spouse Blogger Video promoting our 100 Warm Feet project and sweepstakes. Please check it out and get the word out! You can post video on your site as well.. - Thanks! MaryBeauty for Verseo

Gaile said...

Thanks for the Verseo link! I blogged it AND embedded the video link. I also facebooked it, because I have FB friends who are not blog followers, but who would be interested in this sweepstakes.

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