Wednesday, September 21, 2011

music linkup week 31: Everybody Hurts

I have REALLY neglected this blog lately, but for good reason: I am focused 24/7 on this weight loss competition, and so far I am doing GREAT!  I lost 6.8 pounds in week one, and now, halfway through week two, I am down 3 more pounds.  I have added a third workout every day, hoping this week's total will get me closer to the 4% or 5% needed to get me in the 'top 12' this Saturday. Working out like this after being SO overweight for SO long seriously hurts.  Like, worse than childbirth.  OK, maybe not THAT bad, but maybe like the recovery from childbirth?


So, my song for Goodnight Moon's linkup this week is a tongue-in-cheek nod to the PAIN I am in...."Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.

Please tell me that you HAVE heard of R.E.M.??? ha ha ha They just announced that they are calling it quits, but according to their website, they are happy with the musical career they had as R.E.M. and they are thankful to their fans for listening. *sigh* end of yet another era, I suppose.  Anyone else feeling old now?

If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you will understand that this song has also been my 'anthem' when I get depressed...."Just hold on...."

If you have not already linked up, go see Amber at Goodnight Moon and do it NOW! I wanna know what you're grooving to this week.....

Also, if you're interested in following me on my weight loss journey, that blog is HERE.


Unknown said...

Oh, tis a sad sad day that R.E.M. is no more, but I know MIchael Stipe is onto bigger and better things with changing the world, so I guess that's okay, too.
Oh how R.E.M. rocks...good choice.

Anonymous said...

RE..M reminds me of my mom. I'm pretty sure she's had their CD in her since she bought her car 6 years ago.

Great song!

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